
If you have knowledge of a tax underpayment in excess of $2 million, the Law Offices of Paul D. Scott provides confidential consultations without charge for potential whistleblowers throughout the United States

Please note, however, consultations are limited to tax violations involving underpayments in excess of $2 million. If you seek legal assistance to pursue a claim involving a lesser amount, please contact other counsel.

For more information about the Law Offices of Paul D. Scott, P.C. visit www.LOPDS.com or email [email protected]

Information provided to the Law Offices of Paul D. Scott, P.C. by potential whistleblowers is kept strictly confidential and is not disclosed to the Government unless and until prior authorization is given by the whistleblower for such disclosure.

Please be advised that this website is a general information resource, and it is not intended to provide legal advice in your particular case.   You should consult with an attorney to obtain legal advice regarding your matter.